Dear parents,
Thanks for all of your help getting the basket well on it's way! Keep checking the blogs for updates!
We now have the following items: Thanks for the 2 boxes of Merci chocolate and 2 Milka bars! We also have a Nutcracker from Pier One, German tin top, stolen. We also have Chocolate-filled ornament from Aldi's, German coffee, straw ornaments, table runner and napkins coming, pickle ornaments, wood ornaments (some from Michaels, some hand made), Nutcracker ornament, knitted German hat is being made, big basket, box of German cookies, German honey, German preserves, German Christmas magazine, two bottle of German wine and some German chocolate!
If you have not yet contributed to the basket and don't already have an idea that you're excited about we still anything on the list, especially the following items: 1. Chocolate: Harris Teeter carries Merci, Ritter Sport and Milka, 3 of Germany's most famous premium chocolates; Aldi has some nice German chocolates in ornaments that will be gone soon. 2. A Brother's Grimm Fairy Tale book (I was told by my daughter, Lily, that I needed to put this on the list :)). 3. Money if that is easier for you - put in an envelope and write "auction basket" or something similar
We have crafts! Wendy will make napkins and a runner and the children will decorate (probably fabric paint), Antje will help the children make an advent wreath, and I have some ornaments for them to paint.
Items in green are already being purchased. Please email me if you buy a specific item and I'll update the blog and email list.
1. Nutcracker or Smokers (Pier One has a few Nutcrackers left in their sale dept)
2. Pickle ornaments (Pier One has a few, Tuesday Morning has a few)
3. Other German ornaments
4. Tin Toys (tops, etc) (Tuesday Morning-- ask at the front desk and they'll help you find them)
5. Christmas tree runner (German or neutral)
6. Christmas napkins (German or neutral)
7. Christmas tree skirt (German or neutral -- Tuesday Morning had some beautiful tree skirts)
8. Chocolate made in Germany! Merci chocolate (Harris Teeter), Ritter Sport chocolate (Harris Teeter), Milka chocolate (Harris Teeter) -- probably other grocery stores as well, but I think I saw them at Harris Teeter if you are having trouble finding them. Aldi has some nice ornaments filled with German chocolate near their produce section.
9. Any other European chocolate is fine too (Toblerone, etc -- most grocery stores, Target, etc)
10. A book about Germany (phrase book, picture book, etc. -- doesn't have to be about Christmas) or a Brother's Grimm Fairy Tale book!
10. German stolen (bread -- Aldi in Greenville has some)
11. Other items made in Germany -- figurines, toys, preserves, etc...
12. Large basket to put the items in
13. Handmade wooden ornaments, some of which the children can paint
14. Handmade knitted hat with German theme
Thanks for your help! Please email me with any questions or comments at
Dori St. Amant
Room parent for Mrs. Murray